We are, by nature, creatures of habit. And, when that habit is a positive one that enhances our lives and personalities, we see habit as possibly one of the greatest assets we possess.

It is in childhood that our first habits are formed. An infant is like a stream of water rising freshly out of the ground and ready to flow in any direction. Careful planning can ensure the stream flows strongly, following an orderly path.

So it is with a child. If the child is brought up in a loving home and consistently taught the habits of truthfulness, loyalty, courtesy, kindness, courage, affection, consideration, is encouraged to strive for achievement and be non discriminatory, then these habits will continue into adulthood and be a good framework on which to add education, career, hobbies, and human relationships.

The child will also be in a better position as a teenager and adult to discern between other good habits and those that are harmful.

I am often asked if it is possible for people to fundamentally change, to overcome difficult childhood environments, rise above challenges, and move away from destructive, soul-destroying, and life-changing habits.

The answer is - most definitely!

We all have an innate adaptability and strength within us.

We can all draw on the power of the soul and Divine Assistance.

If we want to change aspects of our lives and develop better habits then we simply have to take the first step; choose that new path, be consistent, be determined, and habit will prevail!