For just over a year our church of St Peter’s in Aldborough Hatch has had a team of ladies who have volunteered their time and efforts to make our Community Memorial Garden a truly beautiful place to sit and enjoy a little peace and quiet.

These ladies, who are mostly called Sue, may be heard calling out: “Sue, no not you, the other Sue” as they work together.

I decided to look up the meaning of the name Sue and found it meant flower.

These lovely ladies - and a few gentleman - are such a blessing in these times especially when, like all charities, money for a gardener is beyond our means and our community has many older members.

So God has gathered his flowers to his garden in a time of little hope and where blessings seem few and far between.

My thanks go to all who help and have helped in our Community Memorial Garden project.

I only have to look out now at the beautifully tended garden to be reminded that God provides for us sometimes in unexpected ways. As we go out of what seems to be the eye of the storm of Covid it is comforting to know God is with us even through the darkest of times. Stay safe.