It is perhaps unthinkable to suggest that we could become inured to the horror of the loss of so many young lives on our streets recently; however, the memory of these incidents, the pain and distress they have caused will become less acute with the passage of time.

An account is given of the first recorded murder in the Bible – when Cain murdered his brother Abel.

The voice of Abel’s blood cried out to God from the grave; just like the voice of the blood those being killed on our streets continues to speak to God today.

We need to ask for God’s mercy on our nation.

One outcome of this spate of killings is that the body of Christ is coming out its buildings of bricks and mortar, joining hands with each other to walk and pray on the streets of our cities and to proclaim God’s peace, righteousness and joy instead of war, wickedness and despair.

Love Redbridge – a group of local churches committed to praying for God’s kingdom to come to every area of life in Redbridge – has scheduled a series of local prayer walks at strategic points around Redbridge.

A revolution is under way and it is being fought not with bullets and knives but with the love of

God expressed through prayer and practical support as we reach out to our neighbours known and unknown.

Father, have mercy on our nation!