As we move into 2021 along with all our hopes for the future we are still aware that across the world concern about the spread and impact of coronavirus is still growing.

It continues to be given a lot of airtime. Some of what we hear is factual, important and helpful – while some of what we hear is hearsay, exaggerated and unhelpful. A question on my heart - and I’m sure on many hearts - as we hear of more cases and tragic deaths is "how are people of faith expected to respond?”.

Many of us are reading, listening and watching news reports around what’s happening with the coronavirus and can’t help but feel unsettled and fearful by what we hear.

We have been trained by our culture in these moments to respond with the Darwinian mind set of "survival of the fittest".

Through our faith we can courageously point people to God who brings comfort, peace and contentment to those that are fearful, isolated and sick. In our words and actions we can help bring the hope of eternity into our today, we can bring light into people’s darkness and joy into people’s pain.

Let’s seek to use these uncertain times to point our friends, family, colleagues and neighbours to the unchanging, all powerful, sovereign and merciful God.

Let us all try in this new year to offer the help and support to as many people as possible. Keep our eyes heaven bound and be courageous.