�For the second year in a row a pair of Egyptian geese have hatched their young in Redbridge.

Three ducklings are now living by the lake in Valentines Park in Perth Road, Ilford while a fourth was taken to a swan sanctuary because it was too weak to survive in the wild.

The news was greeted with particular interest by members of website Redbridge Birdwatching who promptly visited the site and took pictures.

Founder Daniel Erickson-Hull, who lives on the Orchard Estate, Woodford Green said the birth had been much more successful than last year when six ducklings were lost to crows.

“The parents are doing a much better job than last year providing better protection and being aggressive towards other geese,” he said.

“The ducklings are really beautiful and it’s a shame one had to be taken away but at least it is safe.

“They hatched on March 3 dropping down from a nest in a big oak and making their way to the lake.”

The photographs were taken three days after by Emma Charles, 36, after Daniel sent her a text.

Ms Charles said: “They were really easy to spot and I was over the moon with my pictures.

“It was very interesting seeing how the family reacted when a dog appeared.

“The parents guided their young into the lake keeping close by and then rounded them up when the coast was clear before settling on dry land.”

The website can be found at www.redbridgebirdwatching.blogspot.com and displays pictures of bird sightings people have emailed.

It is followed by more than 300 people and Daniel sends round a daily update.

He said: “It is really well supported and is appropriate for all levels of birdwatcher.

“For example I often receive emails from children who take photos of birds they see in their garden.”