Residents have demanded that they decide the future of Goodmayes Park Extension after its lease to a football club was stopped.

Ideas put forward so far include an orchard run by an allotment society or letting nearby schools use it as a play area.

The park was in the process of being handed over to Singh Sabha FC for a £1 year annual fee as part of Redbridge Council cost cutting measures.

But the council stopped negotiations over the 35-year lease last month after a dispute over legal fees.

Speaking at last week’s area committee five meeting, Richard Leighton said residents were “treated with absolute contempt” and their opposition had been ignored.

“It shows the council must always, always consult with the residents,” he added.

“The council says they own the land but it was left to the people of Ilford.”

He called for a public meeting on the future of Goodmayes Park Extension, which was tabled back in 2012 but never materialised.

Cllr Ali Hai (Con, Goodmayes) said local people now need to decide how they want to use it.

There had also been concerns when Frenford Clubs took control of part of the Port of London Authority Recreation Ground in Ilford, Cllr Bob Littlewood (Lab, Seven Kings) said.

He would like to see a “consortium” of community clubs and groups involved in its future.

The council has not yet confirmed plans for the site.