A scheme to get unemployed entrepreneurs into work has failed to attract the response organisers had hoped for - with just three people registering an interest since it was set up in March.

The Mini-Enterprise Business Opportunities Support Scheme (MEBOSS), run by The League of British Muslims in Eton Road, targets young adults aged between 18 and 30 in the Ilford South constituency.

Applicants must have been unemployed for six months and keen to start their own business.

Bashir Chaudhry, of LBM, the project’s leader, believes the poor response indicates how driven people are to get into work.

He said: “Despite the job centre advertising it, we have not had a very good response - only about three people have rung up.

“Either people do not want to do anything or they are too lazy.”

Mr Chaudhry, who set up the scheme with the Royal Bank of Scotland Inspiring Enterprise, hopes people will take the opportunity to learn business skills, book keeping and marketing in the near future.

The scheme includes a three-month opportunity to learn how to run a business by selling re-branded donated products from retail partners.

To find out more call Bashir Chaudhry 0208 514 0706 or email leagueofbm@btconnect.com

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New entrepreneurial scheme for aspiring businessmen and women in Ilford South

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