We are living through turbulent times in the United Kingdom.

Our government is busily devising policies and practices that it hopes will address society’s more pressing needs.

The recent announcement of increased police numbers to combat the surge of violent crime and anti-social behaviour on our streets is intended to tackle the issues and provide reassurance that we can all live in peace and security. The psalmist tells us that unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. Could it be that there is a God-shaped hole in our approach to governing our affairs?

The church nurtures and supports individuals and families from the cradle to the grave and exists to reach out beyond its congregation to a needy world with love, prayer, compassion and effective action.

This is increasingly necessary in the UK as the state continues to withdraw funding for more and more services to the vulnerable in society.

Of course, our outreach becomes so much more effective when we join forces and work together.

As a wise man once observed: “Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” We continue to issue Jesus’ invitation to those around us – to parents, children, teens, millennials and older people; to prime ministers, members of parliament, councillors, the police and neighbours – “Come to me all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest.”