WE were at the front of the TUC anti-cuts march on March 26. We were therefore able to see practically the whole of the march as it came towards Hyde Park.

UNISON, the local government and NHS trades union, must be proud of the showing it made on the march in terms of banners and posters.

Nevertheless, Islington Council cuts have to be defeated locally before they are decided upon. UNISON found this out when Islington Council careworkers had their pay slashed from �23,000 to �12,000 per annum.

The British Government claims that it is short of money. However, there are numerous places sharing a monarch with the United Kingdom which are by no means short of cash.

These are Her Majesty’s tax havens whose resident banks, companies and individuals pay little or no tax and are not obliged to make public disclosure or their incomes and capital resources. – Ivor & Florence Kenna, Compton Street, EC1.