It has been four months since I last wrote this column and no one could have predicted then exactly how much our lives, and the lives of almost everyone on the planet would change, and be so impacted by, a virus!

We are living in unprecedented times. It is as if the world has stopped on its axis and is waiting.

Waiting for us to reassess ourselves, our world, and our environment.

Allowing us time to view with new eyes our role in shaping a better existence and understanding that will benefit all.

Life has been harrowing. The mental and physical toll has been great. But we have an opportunity to learn important lessons.

We are now tentatively emerging from our coronavirus lockdown.

The future is uncertain. Things are not going to be back to the “normal” that we were used to. Indeed, some argue, we may never return to that normality again.

But would that be a bad thing? Was that “normal” the best that we as a society and as individuals could be?

In times of need people dig deep.

The spiritual part of us that is made in God’s image comes to the forefront. And there have been so many noble gestures, kind deeds, genuine thoughtfulness, loving care and consideration shown for our fellow man.

A crisis brings people together and often brings out the very best in us. And this is precisely what we need to take with us to begin to create a new “normality” as we emerge from our lockdown.