There are lots of miraculous births in the Bible.

Abraham and Sarah had a child in their 90s! The barren wombs of Rebekah, Rachel, and Hannah are opened by the Lord.

The story of Jesus begins with an old couple, Zechariah, the priest, and Elizabeth, having a child in their old age. When God opens the womb, exciting things happen.

But the birth being celebrated at Christmas is more than just miraculous.

Yes, it was a virgin birth (or, technically, a virgin conception).

Yes, fertility clinics would scratch their heads at a virgin with a positive pregnancy test.

But, that is not what’s being celebrated.

It is the person himself who is born to her. For Jesus was the only baby ever to be born who was older than his mother!

The new-born baby in Mary’s arms is from eternity.

The mother held her Creator in her arms.

Modern sniggers and smirks notwithstanding, this is whose birth is being celebrated at Christmas.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… And the Word became flesh” (John 1:1, 14).

Jesus’ birth is an act of humility which we will never get our heads round.

This Christmas why not pick up a Bible and read about his birth? And don’t stop there. Go on and read how he grew, suffered, died, and rose from the dead to bring us to God. And trust him.